Support us – individuals and groups

There are so many ways you can support our vital work – here are some ways to get involved but do contact us with any other ideas you have!


There are so many ways you can donate to us and every donation – however large or small – makes a tremendous difference to lives in Africa.

Different ways to donate

Rafiki Thabo Debit Card 

Why not sign up for a free Rafiki Thabo branded Currensea card that will save you money? This is the UK’s first direct debit travel card: when spending abroad Currensea removes your bank fees, saving you at least 85% on every transaction, which users can then choose to donate in full or in part to Rafiki Thabo. You also get the best FX rates! With the option to top up UK transactions by 5-10p donated directly to us. Simple and easy to use, no new bank account, pre-pay or top-up required.

Sign up now

Raise funds for us when shopping online

Did you know you can raise funds for us when you shop online, without it costing you a penny? We are signed up with Give as you Live, through which you can shop online at over 6,000 retailers, all of whom give a % donation of your purchase to us.

Sign up now

Skydive For Us!

We would love you to take the plunge and fundraise for us as you get ready to fly!

We’ve teamed up with Skyline Events to offer you the chance to team up with us for this unique, adrenaline-fuelled challenge!

Read more here
Challenge events

Challenge events

Fancy challenging yourself to push your own boundaries while also raising funds for a great cause? We can support you to enrol in and fundraise for us through any challenge event you would like to take part in. For example, supporters have raised funds for us through the Oxford and Cheltenham half marathons, the Three Peaks challenge, Tough Mudder runs etc. To find out more. . . .

Contact us

Scrap your car!

Have you got an old, unwanted or damaged vehicle that you are looking to get rid of? We’d love it if you chose Scrap Car Comparison’s Donate-a-Car-Scheme and donate some or all of your profit to Rafiki Thabo Foundation! Read more about this and how to proceed or head straight to the sign up page. The Donate-a-Car-Scheme has raised more than £200,000 for over charities since 2016 and we are over the moon to be one of the charities who will benefit from this initiative!

Sign up now

Fundraise for us

Why not organise a fundraising event for us? Our supporters have organised a whole host of events to raise funds for us – from pampering evenings, clothes swaps, fashion shows, bake sales, concerts, and more recently, online quizzes! Download our Fundraising pack which is packed full of ideas – or contact us with any ideas you might have – big or small, mainstream or whacky!

Download our fundraising pack

Donate your car

Giveacar is a not-for-profit social enterprise established in 2010 to recycle old vehicles to raise money for charity. You’re 3 easy steps away from supporting us, beginning with filling out the donation form or calling Giveacar to submit your details. Free collection of your vehicle is included! Read more about Giveacar or head straight to the how it works page.

Donate now
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